How are the science and technology journals authorships distributed?
Scientific publications are concentrated in developed countries, that have the economic power, the most prestigious universities, and the most diffused scientific journals. The investigation agendas are set up by the central countries, such as the United States and some European countries. Consequently, once these countries define the research topics, these are adopted by satellite groups. In this context, we find Latin America and their academic production
If we consider the most prestigious journals in Science and technology, from which country are the authors? Is there an unbalanced appearance between developed countries and Latin America?
- The data between 2019 and 2020 was extracted from the web of science, Scopus, SciELO, or from the journal website depending on each journal
- This was then processed and systemized with excel to obtain a clean sheet with the corresponding author for each article published
- The .csv was imported into QGIS and plotted together with a world base map for each journal
- The data was then aggregated by country, adding all the journals. This was plotted to show the total distribution of corresponding authors in countries for journals in science and technology studies
Work in progress
Capel, H. (2004). Libelo contra el inglés. IX(490).
Kreimer, P. (2011). La evaluación de la actividad científica: Desde la indagación sociológica a la burocratización. Dilemas actuales. 2(36), 59–77.
GADM. (n. d.). GADM.