Understanding COVID-19 in Brazil
The COVID-19 pandemic has reached all portions of the world, and countries have taken different measures to respond to the threat presented by the virus. The propagation of the virus is related to several issues, including population density, measures taken, number of doctors, and ICU beds.
This project tried to visualize the COVID-19 cases in Brazil. Specifically, it compared the distribution of COVID-19 cases and mortality, the population density, the number of doctors and ICU beds in the public health care system (SUS), and the restriction measurements taken at the beginning of the pandemic in each state.
Carvalho, I. (2020). Quais são as medidas adotadas por cada estado brasileiro contra o coronavírus. Brasil de Fato. https://www.brasildefato.com.br/2020/04/01/quais-sao-as-medidas-adotadas-por-cada-estado-brasileiro-contra-o-coronavirus
GADM. (n. d.). GADM. https://gadm.org/download_world.html
IBGE. (2020). Tabelas por municípios—UTI, respiradores, médicos e enfermeiros. https://agenciadenoticias.ibge.gov.br/agencia-detalhe-de-midia.html?view=mediaibge&catid=2103&id=3702
Ministério da Saúde. (2020). Coronavírus Brasil. Open Data SUS. https://covid.saude.gov.br/