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Hi! I am Sofia Foladori Invernizzi

Sofia Foladori Invernizzi

Hi! My name is Sofia Foladori Invernizzi. I’m a Environmental Scientist and a Biologist. I have an MBA in Data Science & Analytics. I have a Master's degree in Science, Technology, and Innovation, with a specialization in Public Communication of Science. I have a Master's student in Environmental Science.

I’m an environmental scientist with a five-year bachelor’s in biology (Federal University of Paraná - UFPR, Brazil) and an MBA in Data Science and Analysis (University of São Paulo - USP). In addition, I have a Master’s in Science, Technology, and Innovation with a specialization in Public Communication of Science (National University of Rio Negro - UNRN, Argentina). I also have a double degree master’s in Environmental Science (University of Hohenheim, Germany & BOKU, Austria, graduation in August 2023).

I have worked as a teacher and tutor for three years during my bachelor’s in the fields of biology, environmental science, sociology, and genetics. I also worked as a research assistant for three years at the university, in the areas of cell culture and vegetative propagation. In addition, I worked for six months with a recent-graduate-scholarship in the public research institution EMBRAPA Florestas (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), with vegetative propagation and physiology. I have also worked as a research assistant at the University of Hohenheim (Germany) with environmental modeling and AI-supported bibliographic analysis.

Currently I am working as a research associate at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), developing a project on Climate Services in Latin America in cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

I develop research with an interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of environmental, climate, public health, and science outreach issues, with strong skills in data analysis and qualitative techniques.

I speak Portuguese, Spanish, English, and Italian, and I am currently learning German.


Bachelor of Science in Biology (5-year course)
Extracurricular Activities
  • Took courses for one year in the bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences at the same university, to expand my humanities knowledge
  • I did a six-month exchange at the Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy
Specialization in Data Science (via Coursera - 290 hours)
Specialization in Geographic Information Systems (via Coursera - 150 hours)
Higher Diploma in Management and Policies of International Health and Sanitary Sovereignty
Master’s in Science, Technology and Innovation
Extracurricular Activities
  • With a specialization in Public Communication of Science
  • Courses in politics, economics, management, communication, philosophy, history and sociology
MBA in Data Science and Analytics
Master’s in Environmental Science – soil, water and biodiversity
Extracurricular Activities
  • Double degree international master
  • Specialization in Soil Resources and Land Use and Water Resources
Taken Courses
  • PORTUGUESE, FIRST LANGUAGE Almost all years of studies, including bachelor’s degree.
  • SPANISH, MOTHER TONGUE With two years of primary school in Mexico and master in Spanish in Argentina. TEST CELU in 2019, obtaining advanced level.
  • ENGLISH With two years of middle school in the United States of America, current master in English in environmental science. TEST TOEFL iBT in 2020, with a total grade of 112 (out of 120).
  • ITALIAN With three years of language courses and six months as a student exchange in Italy. TEST CILS in 2019 obtaining a B2 level.
  • GERMAN Learning, currently taking the B1 level.

Work Experience

Research associate
Bern University of Applied Sciences

Nov 2023 - Present, Switzerland

  • ENANDES Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Andean Communities through Climate Services
  • ENANDES, led by WMO, aims to support climate resilience of Andean communities. Involved in assessing socio-economic vulnerability and benefits related to the provision of climate services promoted by ENANDES

Research Fellow
University of Hohenheim

Nov 2021 - Jun 2023, Germany

  • Environmental modeling
  • Systematic bibliographic analysis
  • Training an artificial intelligence system

Research Fellow
EMBRAPA Florestas (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation)

2021 - 2021, Brazil

  • Biorefinery research
  • Hydroponic research

Research fellow
Scientific Initiation Program Scholarship (PIBIC) of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNPq)

2018 - 2021, Brazil

Work took place at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR)

  • Vegetative propagation by cutting
  • 3 published articles on the subject (view publication section)

Teaching assistant in “Genetics I” and “Population Genetics”
Federal University of Paraná (UFPR)

2018 - 2019, Brazil

Work took place at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR)

  • Helping bachelor students with questions
  • Making study material

Teaching fellow
Institutional Program of Teaching Initiation (PIBID) of the Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (CAPES)

2015 - 2018, Brazil

The project is a cooperation between universities and public high schools aimed at improving education quality. The work took place at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and three different public schools

  • Worked in 3 projects - biology (2015-2016), sociology (2016-2017) and environmental education (2017-2018)
  • Preparing and giving classes
  • Making study material


La comunicación científica de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el periódico brasileño Folha de S. Paulo entre marzo 2020 y marzo 2021 [Scientific communication of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo between March 2020 and March 2021]

This study analysed news stories from the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo in three time periods during the first year of the pandemic in Brazil. Through content analysis, in the context of a theoretical framework that includes elements of public communication of science, community health and critical epidemiology, we sought to identify trends and changes in the topics reported and concluded that there is a change of focus with the evolution of the pandemic and limitations are observed to address scientific issues.

Morphology and germination of Aegiphila brachiata Vell. potential species for ecological restoration in Atlantic forest

Aegiphila brachiata is a forest native Brazilian species, known as peloteiro, with high capacity for biomass production and resistance to disturbances, having potential use in degraded ecosystems. Seeing the scarcity of studies on the species, we aimed to determine the morphobiometric characteristics of fruits, seeds and seedlings; and evaluate its germination potential. We determined physical characteristics of fruits and seeds, morphological description of seeds, germination stages and seedling development. Germination was in a completely randomized design (factorial scheme), with three temperatures (20, 25, and 30°C) and two methods of overcoming dormancy (partial and total endocarp removal). Fruits are indehiscent, fleshy, with persistent calyx. The pyrene is constituted by endocarp and seeds. Germination is hypogeal, and seedling cryptocotyledonary. Results show that removing the endocarp with the unprecedented methodology used is a suitable method to overcome mechanical dormancy (with 25 and 30°C), showing potential of the method for applicability in several species.

Determinantes socioeconômicos e o índice de mortalidade decorrente da CoviD-19 no Brasil

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 pandemic and Brazil has been among the countries with the highest rates of infections and deaths. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between socio-economic determinants and mortality caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Brazilian states, in order to understand these taking into account existing regional and socio-economic differences. Socio-economic determinants and mortality in the first year of the pandemic were used in a cluster analysis, a principal component analysis and a linear regression. There is a difference between the Brazilian states, especially between the south and north. Age, sanitation, income, education and the availability of respirators, as well as the division of the cluster itself, act as explanatory variables for mortality. The results indicate that epidemic diseases are the result of a set of socio-economic factors.

Estado da arte da propagação vegetativa de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas [State of the art on the vegetative propagation of shrub-tree species]

Cutting is an extremely used and diffused propagation technique, as it allows to propagate plants with low rates of germination and viability of the seeds, in addition to bringing homogeneity to planting. During the process of cutting, to be able to obtain the best results, there are several factors and variables to be chosen from. Therefore, the objective of this study was to review the state of the art on the propagation by cutting of shrub-tree species, comparing results obtained by different seasons of the year, type of cutting (herbaceous, semi-hardwood and hardwood), and the presence or absence of leaves. From the analyzed characteristics, a tendency in the results was investigated, seeking to simplify future studies in the cutting area by reducing the choices of variables to be made. The literature search was done using four groups of keywords in english on the data bases of SCIELO and CAPES portal. The groups of keywords used were “propagation and native species”, “propagation and number of leaves”, “propagation and season” and “propagation and types of cutting”. After the search and refinement of the articles, 64 were selected for this study. The literature review showed the prevalence of positive results using herbaceous cuttings with leaves during spring or summer, being these variables recommended for the propagation via cutting of shrub-tree species.

Estaquia caulinar herbácea e semilenhosa de Aegiphila brachiata Vell. (Lamiaceae) [Herbaceous and semi-hardwood cuttings of Aegiphila brachiata Vell. (Lamiaceae)]

Aegiphila brachiata Vell. (Lamiaceae), known as peloteiro, is a shrub-tree species native to Mata Atlântica from the southern region of Brazil, with a potential use for reforestation of degraded areas, as food and as medicinal plant. However, there are few studies that elucidate its propagation, both sexual and asexual. In this study, we seek to elaborate a protocol for the vegetative propagation by cuttings of A. brachiata. For this, two experiments were installed herbaceous cuttings (Experiment I) and semi-hard cuttings (Experiment II). The material was collected from 20 adult trees in Bocaiuva do Sul (Paraná, Brazil). Both experiments were collected in two seasons spring (October/2019) and summer (January/2020). The cuttings were treated with different concentrations of indole butyric acid (IBA) (0 mg L-1 ; 3000 mg L-1 ; 6000 mg L-1 ; 9000 mg L-1 ; 12000 mg L-1) and maintained during 60 days in a green house. The variables analyzed were percentage of rooted cuttings, number and length of the three longer roots per cutting, percentage of cuttings alive, with callus, dead, with buds and maintenance of leaves. On Experiment I, the survival rate was 20 %. A significant difference was observed in the seasons for callus formation, that was higher during summer (17.7 % against 4,3 % during spring). The application of IBA, under the studied conditions, did not lead to any significant difference in the analyzed variables. Experiment II showed 100 % mortality. Therefore, it was not possible to determine a viable cutting protocol for Aegiphila brachiata due to the low rooting rate.

Emergencia de las vacunas [Vaccine emergency]

After months of waiting, the longed for vaccines against COVID-19 finally arrived for Christmas. A window of hope opened with the possibility of the end of the pandemic and the return to “normality”. However, we cannot be taken by this momentary happiness because COVID-19 and other pandemics will continue to pose an international public health issue and the longed for vaccines still need to prove their efficiency, as they came under the wings of emergency. The emergency measures in the development of vaccines imply speeding the process of clinical trials, and transforming successive phases into simultaneous ones, leaving unspoken the long terms effects that can arise, and are only visible after years of investigation during long-term clinical trials. Governmental agencies of each country, which are responsible for the approval of the vaccines, and even the World Health Organization, accept vaccines with 50% efficiency in clinical trials, which does not necessarily mean 50% efficiency when used in massive vaccination with no age restriction or impediment of those with previous conditions. Manny uncertainties arise about the vaccines developed, and unknowns are still to be knowns, answers that will only be available after years from massive vaccination.

Políticas y tecnologías de radares el caso de Argentina en el contexto Latinoamericano [Radar policies and technologies the case of Argentina in the Latin American context]

The development of radars dates back to a few years before World War II, and its name derives from an acronym Radio Detection and Ranging. In this work, taking the case of radar technology in Argentina, we present some challenges to achieve technological autonomy in peripheral countries. In Argentina, the production of national radars occurred much later than in industrialized countries. Until the early 2000s, the radarization policies in Argentina were not effective, and many of the plans that started were discontinued. However, even late in the international context, Argentina stands out as pioneer on radar technology in the Latin American context. Examining the case of radars in Argentina, we can discuss some crucial issues in the area of science and technology, such as technology transfer, scientific dependence and dual technology. Given the dual characteristic of radars, geopolitical issues and historical moments constitute a central point in their development. From the analysis carried out, we can conclude the importance and prominent role of Argentina in the Latin American context with respect to radar technology. In a few years they passed from having a small portion of the national territory covered by radars to covering practically the entire national area, a change that occurred only after the beginning of national production of radars. The importance of technological autonomy in Argentina and the central role played by the INVAP Company are also highlighted. Finally, it is necessary to reflect on the need for continuous and systematic support from the state to allow for technological autonomy in cases such as the one analyzed in this paper. In high-tech areas, the achievements of peripheral countries are threatened by the accelerated dynamics of innovation led by central countries.

Germinative potential and vegetative propagation of Aegiphila brachiata Vell.
CERNE 2020

The objective is to evaluate the germination potential and cutting technique of Aegiphila brachiata (peloteiro), as well as the age influence of the mother plant and the indolebutyric acid and Azospirillum brasilense use on adventitious rooting influence. Thus, was performed the physical characterization of the seed lot and then the germination test, with and without seed scarification and with three gibberellin concentrations (0, 50 and 100 mg L-1 GA3) (Experiment I). For cutting, two experiments were carried out with cuttings coming from young (Experiment II) and adult (Experiment III) trees. For both experiments, the cuttings were submitted to treatments with indolebutyric acid (0, 1500, 3000 and 6000 mg L-1) and solution composed of Azospirillum brasilense (50% and 100%), kept in a greenhouse for 30 days. There was no germination of any seed, and was identified a barrier in the endocarp to the radicle emission. The cutting technique by cuttings from young trees is recommended for seedling production of the species (53.75% rooting), requiring application of 6000 mg L-1 IBA. The Azospirillum brasilense use was not efficient at the root induction. Cuttings from adult trees are not recommended for peloteiro (Aegiphila brachiata Vell.) seedling production due the low rooting rates (10%) and high mortality (68.33%).